Постоянная участница международных и всеукраинских конференций: "Национальный трихологический симпозиум Украинского общества исследования волос", "Дерматоонкология с экспертами" и другие.
Научные работы:
- Clinical case of a rare complication of clavicle fracture [text]/ K.O. Petrovska//Abstract book of 76th
- University Student Scientific Conference ‘The achievements of modern medicine’ 16-17 April 2015.-Lviv; LNMU publishing, 2015. – p.103
- Statistical analysis of death rates from stroke in individuals under age of 60 [text] / R. I. Falion, K.O.
- Petrovska, H. B. Zhytynska//XVI Congress World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations: materials Berlin-Kyiv, 18-23 August 2016.- Odessa: Bertneva publishing, 2016. – p.237
- Cerebrovascular disease in individuals under age of 60
- Clinical and pathomorphologicalanalysis of death rates (2004-2015) [text]/K.O. Petrovska//“Hyst”, The Ukrainian Student Medical Journal.-2016, edition 18th- p.360